Landschaftspflegeverband Mittleres Erzgebirge e.V.

LVP ME Reference Projects in the Former Rural District of Annaberg

Funding period 2000–2006

Initiation, application submission and implementation of 77 projects relating to

the ecologically responsible rejuvenation of clearance cairns and hedgerows:

- Total length: 120 km
- Undertaken by 168 contractual partners and LPV ME

and 31 biotope network projects – replanting hedgerows

- Total length: 10.5 km

Conservation of species-rich grasslands (mountain hay meadows, species-rich Nardus grasslands, wet meadows)

- 230 ha
- Undertaken by 155 contractual partners and LPV ME

Removal of woodland in the ‘Wolfner-Mühl-Wiesen’ nature reserve in order to ensure that the greater butterfly-orchid grows here

Ecologically responsible development of the fringes of the shore of the Zschopau River in the ‘Zschopautal’ Special Area of Conservation

Constructing 4 semi-natural ponds in Grumbach, Niederschlag and Schlettau

Arranging the legal aspects of and signposting 240 km of bridle path in the former rural district of Annaberg

Establishing a centre for environmental education at the Grumbach youth hostel, which includes a fun nature trail, a herb garden and outdoor classrooms

Regionalised ‘NATURA 2000’ information campaign

Provision and installation of nesting aids for animal species that inhabit buildings

Organising and running 25 eco-markets

Involvement with Deutscher Verband für Landschaftspflege [German Association for Landcare – DVL] publications:

- ‘Zwischen Erstaufforstung und Naturschutz’ [Between Initial Afforestation and Nature Conservation] (2001)
- ‘Landschaftselemente in der Agrarstruktur’ [Landscape Elements in Agricultural Structure] (2007)

Funding period 2007–2013

Initiation, application submission and implementation of 25 projects relating to the ecologically responsible rejuvenation of clearance cairns and hedgerows

- Total length: 18 km
- Undertaken by 42 contractual partners and LPV ME

and 12 biotope network projects – planting new hedgerows
- Total length: 4.5 km; comprising approximately 13,500 native wild shrubs

Conservation of species-rich grasslands (mountain hay meadows, species-rich Nardus grasslands, wet meadows)

-130 ha
- Undertaken by 103 contractual partners and LPV ME

Nature conservation consultancy for land users in the former rural districts of Annaberg and Chemnitzer Land

Establishing 3 biotope network complexes with a total of 10 semi-natural ponds in Grumbach

Clearing bushes in protected wetland habitats and wet meadows in the ‘Preßnitz-/Rauschenbachtal’ Special Area of Conservation

Involvement in DVL projects:
‘Produktion und Einsatz gebietseigener Gehölze’ (Producing and Using Regional Shrubs) in the ‘Vorkommensgebiet 3’ region and in the Erzgebirgskreis and Vogtlandkreis districts

Involvement in the Objective 3 project entitled ‘Grünes Netzwerk Erzgebirge’ (Ore Mountains Green Network)

Involvement in the DVL project entitled ‘Umsetzungskonzept zur Schaffung eines regionalen Netzwerkes zur energetischen Verwertung von Biomasse aus der Landschaftspflege im Erzgebirgskreis’ (Implementation Concept for the Creation of a Regional Network for Recovering Energy from Biomass Generated by Landscape Conservation in the Erzgebirgskreis District)

Organising and running the annual ‘Bergwiesenfest’ mountain pasture festival at the Grumbach youth hostel